Florists in Portland, Oregon

Fred Meyer has 10 florists in Portland, OR. Order flowers for pickup by selecting a location below or use our flower delivery service to send a fresh bouquet to a loved one. If you prefer to shop in-store, our friendly florists are ready to help you create a perfect floral arrangement for any occasion!


7555 Sw Barbur Blvd, Portland, OR, 97219
(503) 452-3000
Pickup Available


14700 Se Division St, Portland, OR, 97236
(503) 762-4403
Pickup Available


1111 NE 102nd Ave, Portland, OR, 97220
(503) 255-5665
Pickup Available


6615 Ne Glisan St, Portland, OR, 97213
(503) 797-6940
Pickup Available


3805 Se Hawthorne Blvd, Portland, OR, 97214
(503) 872-3300
Pickup Available

Hollywood West

3030 Ne Weidler St, Portland, OR, 97232
(503) 280-1300
Pickup Available


7404 N Interstate Ave, Portland, OR, 97217
(503) 286-6751
Pickup Available


6850 N Lombard St, Portland, OR, 97203
(503) 240-2700
Pickup Available

Raleigh Hills

7700 Sw Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy, Portland, OR, 97225
(503) 292-0731
Pickup Available


100 NW 20Th Pl, Portland, OR, 97209
(503) 273-2004
Pickup Available