5 Spring Foods & How to Use Them

 February 23, 2024 5 Minute Read

After a long winter, we can rejoice that spring has sprung. Not only are days getting longer, but the weather is getting warmer, which means a whole new selection of seasonal produce is available. Why shop seasonal? It’s a great way to save money and consume the freshest produce! Check out the list below to learn all about the fruits and veggies you can enjoy during this time of year.

Spring Fruits & Vegetables

1. Artichoke

Artichokes may look intimidating, but they’re a delicious option with a fresh, nutty flavor. Plus, this spring vegetable is a good source of fiber with 5-8 grams per serving. When choosing an artichoke, look for one with tight, compact leaves and fresh-cut stem ends.

Enjoy artichokes fresh, steamed, baked or stuffed. Check out this recipe for a tasty new way to enjoy this vegetable.

2. Collard Greens

The longer they are cooked, the more the flavor of collard greens softens and becomes milder. These greens contain many antioxidants and are an excellent source of vitamin A, which helps maintain good vision. To select fresh collard greens, choose a deep green colored bunch free of yellowing. Prior to using, wash and trim off the stems and any woody pieces to yield a delicious final product.

Collard greens make a yummy addition to a stir-fry, an omelet or scrambled eggs. They can also be used as an alternative to lettuce, or to hold taco or sandwich toppings.

3. Turnip

This root vegetable is a sustainable option to keep in the house since all parts can be used, from the base to the greens. Half a cup of this spring vegetable provides 25% of your daily vitamin C. You will also find some fiber to keep your digestive track healthy. Look for small turnips that are heavy in size because they’ll be sweeter than larger ones. Choose turnips that are smooth and firm, without scars or cracks. Be sure to scrub them prior to cooking to remove any remaining soil.

Turnips are typically used in soups and stews, but they’re just as adaptable as a potatoes. We recommend trying a sweet potato and turnip mash for a unique spin on regular mashed potatoes. For a simple and delicious addition to any meal, try these vitamin-rich roasted turnip fries.

4. Apricots

This versatile fruit can be added to both savory and sweet recipes. Look for apricots that are uniform in color, plump and firm. They’re available fresh, canned or dried for convenient and nutrient-dense options. Nutrition hack: If your apricots aren’t ripe yet, place them in a paper bag on a countertop to speed up the ripening process.

Some great ways to enjoy seasonal produce like apricots include adding them to salads, or even turning them into preserves. Try your hand at creating an apricot preserve to spread on your favorite breakfast bread with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter for a real treat.

5. Kiwi

This fuzzy spring fruit is sweet and 100% edible, since you can even eat the skin. Though many choose not to eat the skin, that’s where a lot of nutrients are hidden. A kiwi’s skin contains a high concentration of fiber, folate and vitamins E and C. When shopping, choose a kiwi that’s firm, but gives to pressure. Avoid kiwis that are hard, since they’ll be sour. Storing a kiwi away from sun or heat is important to keep it edible. To accelerate the ripening process, place a kiwi in a paper bag with an apple, banana or pear.

If you’re interested in trying the skin, eat the kiwi like an apple. The fuzz can be rubbed off prior to eating if desired. Kiwis can add a pleasant burst of flavor in a tropical salsa served with salmon fillets. If you’re looking to get the nutritional benefits of the whole kiwi, but don’t want to eat it raw, try blending it into your next smoothie.

Whether it’s fresh, frozen, canned or dried, seasonal produce has many benefits! Seasonal produce not only boosts flavor, but it also helps keep grocery costs down. Enjoy these seasonal options this spring, and for more healthy eating advice, schedule a Telenutrition appointment from one of our registered dietitians, the experts in nutrition.

Disclaimer: This information is educational only and is not meant to provide healthcare recommendations. Please see a healthcare provider.

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